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Foods That Are Bad for Your Eyes

Nutrition plays a vital role in everything related to your wellbeing, including your eye health. In a time when people have more dietary choices than ever before, here are foods that you should avoid to reap the benefits of improved health and better vision.  Medical professionals and your eye doctor recommend limiting or avoiding the consumption of the following types of foods. High-Sodium Foods  - Consuming foods with high sodium or salt content can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure, which restricts blood flow to the eyes and affects vision. Ideally, you should eat no more than 2,300 milligrams daily, which is the equivalent of one teaspoon.  Examples of high-sodium foods include: Processed Lunchmeats  - Lunch meats are convenient, but many contain lots of sodium. Many varieties of bologna, salami, and other deli meats have high amounts of sodium. Canned Soups  - While there is nothing quite as comforting as eating soup ...

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