Understanding Neurological-Based Chiropractic Care

When many people think of chiropractic care, they think of the clicking and popping. However, neurological-based care does not require any clicking or popping. The chiropractor will use an instrument that allows for precise alignment of the spine. Every adjustment is specific.

The precise adjustment allows the patient to get relief more quickly. It is safe for people who have been hurt in accidents or have suffered other types of injuries. Traditional chiropractic care will shift the bones by cracking the spine into place. This method can cause areas of the spine that did not need to be adjusted to become shifted.

There are 15 neurological signs that the chiropractor uses to find the areas of the spine that have the most stress. This technique will work with the body instead of against it. The adjustment will be tailored to fit the needs of your body.

About Vertical Chiropractic in Fort Worth

If you are in need of chiropractic care, then you contact our company. We are focused on helping people live a pain-free life. Several conditions can benefit from chiropractic treatment including work injuries, sports injuries, low back pain, stress, ADD/ADHD, arthritis and neck pain.

This clinic focuses on natural health and healing. Dr. Trevor Adams believes in addressing the root cause of the issue so that the body will be able to heal itself naturally.


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